The Comptroller and Auditor General of India claimed that the bids involving these three companies cost the government an estimated$ 8bn in missed revenues. 印度审计署指称,涉及这三家企业的竞标导致政府损失了估计达80亿美元的收入。
To the Commissioner of Taxation and/ or the Comptroller General of Customs under the Sales Tax Assessment Regulations and/ or the Customs Regulations and/ or the Excise Regulations. 按照销售税征收条款和/或货物税各项规定,交由税收专员和/或海关总审计员查验。
Final responsibility for calculating these reductions rested with the Comptroller General, an official who is removable by joint resolution of Congress. 估算这些削减的最后责任由总审计师承担,而总审计师的罢免须经国会的联合决议。
A three-judge district court ruled that the comptroller general's role in the process was unconstitutional. 三位法官组成地方法院的判决中指出,总审计长的过程中的作用是违宪的。
A few agencies have explicit statutory power to compensate groups and individuals who lack the resources to present their views in particular proceedings, and the Comptroller General has ruled that many other agencies have implied discretionary authority to do so. 有些行政机关有明确的法定权力补偿那些没有财力在特定的诉讼中表达其看法的团体和个人,总审计官也裁定,许多其他行政机关拥有欣示的自由裁量权给予补偿。
The first witness was Gene Dodaro, the Acting Comptroller General at the US Government Accountability Office ( GAO). 第一个证人是基因多达罗,代理总审计长在美国政府问责局(高)。